Monday, March 14, 2011

Thailand- Bangkok to Chiang Mai, Pai, and more Chiang Mai!


(feel free to just skip to the pictures below- this is a long one for those of you who like the details!)

I flew into Bangkok from Bali and only spent one night in the city full of life and backpackers. I walked the famous backpacker street- Khao San Road- on the evening of my arrival and had a mellow night after the long day of travel. I will be back in Bangkok before I travel to India so I will have more insight on the city after my next visit. The next I day I took the overnight train to Chiang Mai to meet my friend Liz. I shared a bunk with Genevieve from Australia who was traveling to Chiang Mai for holiday. It was a good thing the top bunk had a rail because it was the bumpiest train ride I have experienced. I was thrown into the rail of the bed a number of times though the night, saving me from bruises and injury and falling off of the top bunk.

The next day I arrived in Chiang Mai excited to see Liz and a new city. I loved Chaing Mai. Chaing Mai became like home to us and we have had a wonderful time there. The city is filled with kind people, cheap markets, and delicious food. On my first day there I met Maxim, a friend Liz had been traveling with for some time. Through him we met a group of travelers who had all met each other along their way traveling. Over this past week we have formed a little travel group and family. There is Ed, Kirsty, and Leo from Whales and England, Darrell and Maxim from Canada, and Mike from California. I met most of them on my first night in Chiang Mai at the huge Sunday Market.

The next day we all left for a two day trip to a smaller town called Pai. Four us made the trip up there via motor bike. It was absolutely beautiful. Pai is the the mountains so it was quite the experience and we were able to see a lot of the Northern Thailand beauty. The ride took about 5 and a half hours- it was one of my favorite parts of my trip yet. In Pai we found these amazing bungalows for 60 baht a night- about $2 a night!- Incredible. Two of our bungalows shared an outdoor washroom which was absolutely lovely. Using the toilet under the stars is quite the experience!

Pai was quite the cute little town. We spent two days there relaxing, enjoying our hammocks, sitting poolside and eating awesome food. Pai may have the best yellow curry you can ever try! We enjoyed our evenings walking around the town and drinking Changs at a number of outdoor reggae bars. After two days we made the trek home. For the motorbike crew it was quite the rough ride. By then we were all tired and our bums hurt from so long on the motor bikes but we made it back to Chiang Mai and felt like we were returning home.

The group went to see tigers the next day. They were absolutely beautiful but we were all in some unease about the situation the tigers were in because they were so mellow. We had to assume they were on some sort of tranquilizers. While I am happy to have seen these beautiful animals so closely, I am not sure I would suggest it just because it was strange and a bit sad to see such a powerful and strong animal so tame.

On our last day in Chiang Mai Liz, and I went on a trek. We went to a butterfly farm where we did not see any butterflies, took a bamboo raft down a river, had an elephant ride, and did a zip line course. The elephants were incredible. I liked this trek because the elephants were able to roam free and run around together which was incredible to see.

Thai food is so good. I have discovered a love for curry. Some of my favorite Thai dishes include Massaman Curry and Yellow Curry. The Pad Thai Noodles have been amazing as well. Thailand is beautiful and I love it up North. There is so much to do and it is filled with culture, beautiful land, and kind people.

Pit stop for the Motor Bike Gang
Pit stop on the way to Pai
Motor Bike Gang
Driving through the jungle via motor bike
Maxim and me
Matching pink helmuts
Kitties everywhere in Thailand- I love them.
Out in Pai
Hanging out in Pai
First night in Pai
We loved our hammocks
Outdoor toilet!
Our travel family
Getting gas
Big temple in Chiang Mai
Big Budda
Pretty flowers at the butterfly farm but no butterflies
Happy Ears
Ready for zip lining
zip line course
Indian Dinner- we decided not to go with number 9- that just doesn't translate right....



  1. Amazing pictures & beautiful country! Thanks for sharing. Zip line looked scary, but fun!
    I love you!

  2. Ahhh I love it. That looks so amazing. You are having such and adventure. Love you and miss you. (also love the details :-) )

  3. Hey guys- glad you like the blog and the details. Wish you could be here with me! Lots of love!
