Friday, April 15, 2011


After our fun time in Vang Vieng, Liz and I took off for Vientiene, Laos. We only made a trip there to take care of my visa for Vietnam- it had the incorrect dates. I was told previously I would have to pay for an entire new visa and could have issues because I already had one. We gave ourselves three days there in case I had any issues. When we arrived to the Vietnam Embassy on day one the employee working the office just asked me for $10, took out a pen, and changed the dates himself in approximately 5 seconds. It was all in Vietnamese so I had no clue if it was going work or what it said but that was that and three days later we were off to Vietnam.

When we got to Vietnam we only had one day and night in Saigon. We walked around the busy city and eventually made our way to the War Remnants Museum. It was extremely interesting to see the story told by the Northern Vietnamese but it isn't an easy place for any American to see. The outside of the museum is surrounded by old US tanks, airplanes, and helicopters while the inside of the museum  thanks all of the communist countries who supported Vietnam against the United States and shows the destruction that the war caused to the many people affected by it. I would recommend it to anyone as a place to see but be prepared for the propaganda against the US before you go.

From Saigon, Liz and I made our way to a beach town in Vietnam called Mui Ne. We spent most of the week relaxing and enjoying the small beach town. Leo and Kirsty were able to make it for a reunion on our last two days. We had an awesome time walking through a ferry stream, checking out a fishing village, and riding old crappy ATVs through white sand dunes!

My Vietnam Visa- corrected with a pen- lets hope they let me in!

Outside of the War Remnants Museum

Vietnam thanks the Communist Countries for their support

Saigon traffic- crazy mo-peds!

Really dirty overnight bus taken at 8am in the morning- we were told it would be a sitting bus- but surprise- we got a dirty sleeper bus! :)

We love hammocks

Our beach bungalow

Kite Surfers everywhere along the beach

Mui Ne at night

Dinner anyone?- frog, giant fish, eel?

Yummy dinner- Beef Pho, spring rolls, yellow curry

Amazing Vietnamese coffee on the beach- so good   


Great day at the beach and some refreshing gaspacho

Walking through a village where they make barrels and barrels of fish sauce- smelled so bad!

Ferry Stream

Leo rides and Ostrich

Amazing view after hiking up a red sand dune

Fishing Village

White Sand Dunes
ATV ride on the white sand dunes! So funny
Sliding down the white sand dunes

Hilarious- didn't work too well

Red Canyon

Hey up there! Hike for the sunset at yellow sand dunes

Amazing sunset

Bonfire on the beach- last night in Mui Ne
Fire dancer


  1. Whoa, you had a better experience than me for sure. Last time I was there, I spent most of it in the city visiting a ton of relatives. So jealous!

  2. Great pics Nicole. Thanks for the info regarding the Vietnam war. There might be Vietnamese Americans that don't hate the US...I hope. Te amo

  3. Yeah- I need to get back- I want to see the North :)Vietnam was great.
