Friday, June 24, 2011

España... te amo siempe!

I had an amazing 2 days and 3 nights in Spain after my time in Italy. I loved every minute of it. I felt at home and completely happy.  In 2006 I had lived in Spain for six months while studying at the Universidad de Malaga. I decided to take a quick trip back to Malaga so I could enjoy the beach, speak Spanish, and return a place I used to call home. I was lucky enough to stay with a great couch surfing host, Francis, and his adorably sweet dog Rooney. Amazingly enough, Francis was able to show me something I had never seen of Malaga each day I was there even though I had lived there before.

On my first night there he took me to an amazing restaurant on the beach where I ate the most delicious fish I have ever eaten. We walked on the boardwalk, people watched, and ended up relaxing on the beach most of my first evening. The next day he took me to a beautiful local beach I had never been to in my six months living in Malaga in 2006. Later that night Nikki arrived to Malaga and joined me for the rest of my time in Spain. We went out that night Spanish style- tapas, tinto de verano (a cold red wine drink with lemon lime soda-so tasty), and a long night out enjoying 1 euro chupitos (shots) and great conversation.  The next day Nikki and I made Francis an American breakfast of pancakes and eggs before enjoying another lovely day at the beach. On my last night in Spain, Francis taught us how to make Spanish tortilla (it is similar to an omlette but with all sorts of goodies like potatoes, peppers, and onions). Yum! We drank beer and Rioja and watched the Formula 1 Races all night. I had so much fun with Francis and Rooney- they really made my time in Spain exactly what I wanted- lots of Spanish and lots of relaxation! I was so surprised how quickly my love for Spain became a part of me again. Right when I stepped outside of the airport I felt happy and like I was where I was supposed to be. I am so grateful I had the chance to return and enjoy two very perfect days in Malaga!


Francis and Rooney

before a night out of tapas and chupitos

Calle Larrios- famous street in Malga

Old stomping grounds! Used to come here all the time when I lived here :)

Aparently G.W. Bush is on the same dictator list as Hugo Chaves! Yikes- sorry Bush supporters! They are names of chupitos at Urbano

night out in Malaga
American Breakfast!
So pretty

Beach day

teaching me how to cook the tortilla española
Traditional Spanish Dinner for my last night in Spain :)

1 comment:

  1. España, la madre patria de los puertorriqueños. Muy lindo todo Nicole... Gracias por compartir. Te amo y me alegro que ya estés en la Florida. Nos veremos
    pronto si Dios quiere. Un beso y un abrazo.
